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Handling a boundary dispute properly in Texas

On Behalf of | Feb 17, 2022 | Real Estate Litigation |

Property lines can be a source of real estate litigation. Disputes often arise when neighbors disagree on the location of the property line or when they argue about who’s responsible for maintaining it. If you are experiencing a boundary dispute with your neighbor, it is important to understand how to handle the situation.

Conduct a survey

The first step is to conduct a survey of the property to determine where the actual property line falls. It’s always wise to hire a professional to conduct this survey, as they will have the expertise to accurately identify the location of the line.

Talk to your neighbor

Once you have a better understanding of where the property line falls, it’s important to talk to your neighbor about the situation. Try to come to an agreement concerning your issue(s) and how you will both handle any future disputes. Also, compare documentation to make sure both of you are in agreement about the location of the line.

Use demand letters

If your neighbor is not willing to cooperate, you may need to send them a demand letter. This letter should outline the specific actions that your neighbor needs to take in order to resolve the boundary dispute. It’s important to be clear and concise in this letter and to avoid making any threats or accusations.

File a lawsuit

If your neighbor still is not willing to cooperate even after receiving the demand letter, you may need to file a lawsuit. Real estate litigation can help determine ownership of the disputed land and can be necessary if the parties do not reach an agreement outside of court.

Dealing with a boundary dispute can seem difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. If you have a boundary dispute with your neighbor, it is important to take the necessary steps outlined above. You may not even have to pursue real estate litigation if you take the right steps and come to an agreement with your neighbor.